Tango attracts people from various professions and walks of life. Among them one can find many artistic and creative personalities - some are already established artists, other find or develop through tango creativity and artistic drive. Many of them having being inspired my the music or the dance of tango depict them in their artistic works.
This year several "tango artisits" will present their works during the Day of Tango in an special exhibition sale, called Tango, Art & Design. It will accompany throughout the day the events of the main program in Studio 5. All exhibits will be available for purchase and their authors will be present to answer questions or take orders.
The Tango, Art & Design exhibition sale features:
- Tango paintings by Milko Mateev, the most famous painter among the dancers of tango and the most famous tango dancer amoung the painters in Bulgaria. (Official website of Milko Mateev)
- Tango photographs by Dilian Tarashoev and Svilen Georgiev, two long-time members of the tango community in Sofia with passion for both tango dancing and photography, who document all major events of Tanguerin with their cameras.
- Hand-made tango folding fans by Tanya Panayotova, a prominent tanguera with a talent for creating unique accessories for tango.
This year several "tango artisits" will present their works during the Day of Tango in an special exhibition sale, called Tango, Art & Design. It will accompany throughout the day the events of the main program in Studio 5. All exhibits will be available for purchase and their authors will be present to answer questions or take orders.
The Tango, Art & Design exhibition sale features:
- Tango paintings by Milko Mateev, the most famous painter among the dancers of tango and the most famous tango dancer amoung the painters in Bulgaria. (Official website of Milko Mateev)
- Tango photographs by Dilian Tarashoev and Svilen Georgiev, two long-time members of the tango community in Sofia with passion for both tango dancing and photography, who document all major events of Tanguerin with their cameras.
- Hand-made tango folding fans by Tanya Panayotova, a prominent tanguera with a talent for creating unique accessories for tango.